Results for 'Talib M. Aziz'

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  1. The dead can still teach the living: The status of cadaver-based anatomy in the age of electronic media.M. Ashraf Aziz & James C. McKenzie - 1999 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 42 (3):402-421.
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  2. De l'Être à la Personne. Essai de Personnalisme réaliste.M. P. M. Schuhl & Mohamed Aziz Lahbabi - 1957 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 62 (1):104-104.
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    Permanence and Extinction of a Diffusive Predator–Prey Model with Robin Boundary Conditions.M. A. Aziz-Alaoui, M. Daher Okiye & A. Moussaoui - 2018 - Acta Biotheoretica 66 (4):367-378.
    The main concern of this paper is to study the dynamic of a predator–prey system with diffusion. It incorporates the Holling-type-II and a modified Leslie–Gower functional responses under Robin boundary conditions. More concretely, we study the dissipativeness of the system by using the comparison principle, and we derive a criteria for permanence and for predator extinction.
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    Complex emergent properties in synchronized neuronal oscillations.Nathalie Corson & M. A. Aziz-Alaoui - 2009 - In Moulay Aziz-Alaoui & Cyrille Bertelle (eds.), From System Complexity to Emergent Properties. Springer. pp. 243--259.
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    Freezing fertility or freezing false hope? A content analysis of social egg freezing in U.S. print media.Lisa Campo-Engelstein, Rohia Aziz, Shilpa Darivemula, Jennifer Raffaele, Rajani Bhatia & Wendy M. Parker - 2018 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 9 (3):181-193.
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    Basin of Attraction of Solutions with Pattern Formation in Slow–Fast Reaction–Diffusion Systems.M. A. Aziz-Alaoui & B. Ambrosio - 2016 - Acta Biotheoretica 64 (4):311-325.
    This article is devoted to the characterization of the basin of attraction of pattern solutions for some slow–fast reaction–diffusion systems with a symmetric property and an underlying oscillatory reaction part. We characterize some subsets of initial conditions that prevent the dynamical system to evolve asymptotically toward solutions which are homogeneous in space. We also perform numerical simulations that illustrate theoretical results and give rise to symmetric and non-symmetric pattern solutions. We obtain these last solutions by choosing particular random initial conditions.
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    Descriptive Catalogue of the Persian, Urdu and Arabic Manuscripts in the Dacca University Library. Vol. I: Persian Manuscripts.Aziz Ahmad & A. B. M. Habibullah - 1969 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 89 (1):307.
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    Descriptive Catalogue of the Persian, Urdu and Arabic Manuscripts in the Dacca University Library, Vol. II: Urdu and Arabic Manuscripts.Aziz Ahmad & A. B. M. Habibullah - 1971 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 91 (4):535.
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    I. Studies in Islamic Culture in the Indian EnvironmentII. Muslim Civilization in India.J. H. Broomfield, Aziz Ahmad, S. M. Ikram & Ainslie T. Embree - 1965 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 85 (3):428.
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  10. An analysis of CPR decision-making by elderly patients.G. M. Sayers, I. Schofield & M. Aziz - 1997 - Journal of Medical Ethics 23 (4):207-212.
    Traditionally clinicians have determined their patients' resuscitation status without consultation. This has been condemned as morally indefensible in cases where not for resuscitation (NFR) orders are based on quality of life considerations and when the patient's true wishes are not known. Such instances would encompass most resuscitation decisions in elderly patients. Having previously involved patients in CPR decision-making, we chose formally to explore the reasons behind the choices made. Although the patients were not upset, and readily decided at the time (...)
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    The Sufi order against religious radicalism in Indonesia.Maghfur Ahmad, Abdul Aziz, Mochammad N. Afad, Siti M. Muniroh & Husnul Qodim - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4):11.
    This study aimed to analyse the contribution of the Sufi order in stemming religion-based violence as a form of the Sufis’ response to rampant violence, extremism and religious radicalism. This study used a qualitative method in which the data were obtained through interviews, observation and documentation. Then they were analysed by using an interactive model. This study was carried out in three Sufi communities of the Sufi order Qadariyah wan Naqshabandiyah (TQN) in Indonesia, namely in Suryalaya Islamic Boarding School, Futuhiyyah (...)
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    1851 Londra Sergi̇Si̇ Ve Osmanli Devleti̇’Ni̇N Katilişi.Aziz Tekdemir - 2018 - Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi 13 (1):291-322.
    Sanayi devrimi sonrası Avrupa Devletleri’nde üretimin artması, yeni pazar ve hammadde ihtiyacını da beraberinde getirmiştir. Bu ihtiyacın giderilebilmesi için sanayi ürünlerinin ve üretim araçlarının tanıtılması amacı ile uluslararası sergiler düzenlenmeye başlanmıştır. Ayrıca bu sergilerle ülkelerin bilim, sanayi, teknoloji ve tarım alanındaki gelişme ve yeniliklerinin herkese duyurulması amaçlanmıştır. Öncülüğünü Fransa ve İngiltere’nin yaptığı sanayi sergileri, ilgili ülkelerin sömürgelerinden gelen hammadde ve bu hammaddelerden üretilen sanayi ürünlerinin pazarlanmasına yönelik olarak yapılmıştır. Başlangıçta sanayi ve ticari amaçla başlatılan sergiler, Avrupa ile Avrupa dışında bulunan (...)
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    أثر تغير قيمة النقود على الديون.Abdulbari Aziz Othman - 2021 - van İlahiyat Dergisi 9 (14):23-43.
    للنقود دور هام في حياة الناس والمجتمعات البشرية ، كما أن لها دورا أساسيا ومحوريا في النظام الاقتصادي. ويتعرض الاقتصاد إلى العديد من المشكلات والنكسات التي تترك الأثر البليغ في استقراره وأحواله ، وبالتالي ينعكس ذلك على الوضع الاقتصادي المتقلب على الأوضاع المعيشية ، والتجارية لأفراد المجتمع. وتبرز مشكلة انخفاض قيمة النقود كإحدى هذه المشكلات التي تصيب الاقتصاد ، وهو ما يُطلق عليه " التضخم " حيث تنخفض قيمة النقود مقابل ارتفاع سعر السلع والمواد. يؤثر هذا الانخفاض لقيمة النقود على (...)
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  14. Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Insights into the Diagnostic and Therapeutic Implications.Salih Matar Alsehli, Omar Abdullah Almutairi, Sati Musaad Almutairi, Muqren Geri Almutairi, Salem Ayad Aljohani, Majed Abdullah Alharbi, Najeh Saud Alanazi, Faisal Fahad Almutiri, Yousef Aziz Aloufi, Abdullah Saad Algohani, Mohammed Abdullah Alharbi, Ibrahim M. S. Bassati, Samaher Maher Bukhari, Abdullah Ali Alharbi & Abdulmajeed Alanazi - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:2825-2846.
    Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) presents a significant problem that necessitates a greater understanding of its underlying molecular complexity in order to improve diagnostics and therapies. Recent studies have shed light on the critical role that mitochondrial dysfunction plays in the development and course of HCC. Once thought to be primarily involved in the synthesis of cellular energy, mitochondria are now known to be key participants in the regulation of a variety of cellular functions that go beyond bioenergetics. The purpose of this (...)
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  15. Appearance in this list does not preclude a future review of the book. Where they are known prices are given either in $ US or in£ UK. Books which are not, centrally, academic philosophy appear in a supplementary list at the end. Al Azmeh, Aziz, Ibn Khaldun, London, Routledge, 1990, 191pp., paper£ 8.95 Aldwinckle, Stella, Christ's Shadow in Plato's Cave, Oxford, The Amate Press. [REVIEW]Leonard Angel, D. M. Armstrong, Cambridge Cambridge & M. C. Banner - 1990 - Mind 99:395.
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    Aziz Augustinus’un Tanrı Devleti’ni Kurmak: Papa II. Urbanus ve Haçlı Savunusu.Ayşe ÇEKİÇ - 2023 - Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi 18 (2):378-399.
    Aziz Augustinus V. Yüzyılın Hristiyan teoloğu ve tarih felsefecisidir. Yazmış olduğu Tanrı Şehri/Devleti isimli eseri Batı Roma’nın Gotlar tarafından yağmalanmasının hemen akabinde kaleme alınmıştır. Eserin yazılış mantığı Roma’nın yıkılış sebebinin, insanların pagan inancını bırakıp Hristiyanlığa geçmeleriyle açıklayanlara bir cevap niteliği taşımaktadır. Buna göre Augustinus, Roma’nın yıkımının pagan inancına sırt çevirmekten değil yozlaşmaktan olduğu görüşünü savunmaktadır. Bu minvalde Augustinus, Pagan tanrılarının beceriksizliği karşısında Hristiyan inancının gücüne ve kurtarıcılığına vurgu yapmaktadır. Hristiyan medeniyetinin belki de tarih felsefesi bağlamında en erken savunusunu yapan (...)
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    Rulings of Wiping Over Socks for Ablution.İsmail Yalçin - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (1):353-374.
    The issue of wiping over socks is part of the more general issue of wiping over leather socks (khuffayn) for ablution (wuḍū’). Washing feet or wiping over them is a debate whose sides bases their claims on the verses of the Qur’an and supports these claims with narrations. When performing ablution, if shoes or socks are on the feet, whether one can wipe over them without taking these off and the qualities that these clothes should have is a debate based (...)
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  18. İlahi Buyruk Teorisi. [REVIEW]Musa Yanık - 2021 - Mesned İlahiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi 12 (1):191-194.
    Bir şey, Tanrı onu emrettiği için mi iyidir ya da kötüdür? sorusunu merkeze alarak oluşturulan ve yakın dönem içerisinde gerek din felsefesi ve gerekse ahlak felsefesi içerisinde tartışılan konulardan biriside “İlahi Buyruk Teorisi”dir. Bu teori kısaca, ahlaki değerlerin kaynağının, Tanrı’nın buyruklarında, yani onun emir ve yasaklarında belirlendiğini açıklamaya çalışmaktadır. Eylemlerimizin iyi ya da kötü olarak nitelendirilmesinin Tanrı’nın buyruklarıyla mı, yoksa onların Tanrı’dan bağımsız, yani, kendi doğalarından mı kaynaklandığı tartışması, ilk olarak ahlak felsefesi içerisinde Platon’un “Euthyphro” diyaloğunda kendisine yer bulmuştur. Bununla (...)
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  19. Descartes: The Arguments of the Philosophers.M. D. Wilson - 1978
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    Şiʿa’nın Ricʿat Doktrininin Dönüşümü: Nusayrî, Dürzî, B'bî ve Bah'îler Üzerine Bir Olgu İncelemesi.Aydın Bayram - 2023 - Kader 21 (3):942-959.
    Şiâ’nın temel inanç ilkelerinden biri olan ricʿat doktrini potansiyel olarak radikal yorumlara olanak sunmaktadır. Ricʿat inanışının arka planında gaybet anlayışı ve ona yüklenen insan üstü özel mana son derece hayati öneme sahiptir. Şiîlik içerisinde günümüze ulaşan ve Şiîlerin büyük çoğunluğunu oluşturan İmamiyye ya da On iki İmam (İsnâ aşeriyye) Şiîliğine göre, on ikinci imam Muhammed b. el-Hasan, 941 yılında büyük gaybete gitmiştir. Bu doktrinle, gizli imamın bir gün geri döneceğine, zulüm ve haksızlıklarla dolu olan tüm dünyayı adaletle hükmedeceğine ve refaha (...)
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    Active Vision: The Psychology of Looking and Seeing.John M. Findlay & Iain D. Gilchrist - 2003 - Oxford University Press UK.
    More than one third of the human brain is devoted to the processes of seeing - vision is after all the main way in which we gather information about the world. But human vision is a dynamic process during which the eyes continually sample the environment. Where most books on vision consider it as a passive activity, this book is unique in focusing on vision as an 'active' process. It goes beyond most accounts of vision where the focus is on (...)
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    Cosmology in antiquity.M. R. Wright - 1995 - New York: Routledge.
    Two and a half thousand years ago Greek philosophers "looked up at the sky and formed a theory of everything." Though their solutions are little credited today, the questions remain fresh. Early Greek thinkers struggled to come to terms with and explain the totality of their surroundings, to identitify an original substance from which the universe was compounded, and to reconcile the presence of balance and proportion with the apparent disorder of the cosmos. M. R. Wright examines cosmological theories of (...)
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  23. Perception, Emotion, and the Interconnected Mind.M. Fulkerson - 2020 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 27 (7-8):7-30.
    I argue on the basis of extensive empirical research that perception and emotion are more deeply entangled than we might have thought. This evidence strongly suggests that we should expand our conception of perception to include emotional elements, and our conception of emotion to include perceptual ones. This expansion poses a challenge to our current taxonomic practices. In the face of this challenge, I advocate principled pluralism about psychological kinds. This view holds that, depending on our explanatory purposes, psychological processes (...)
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  24. Knowing How: Essays on Knowledge, Mind and Action.J. Bengson M. A. Moffett (ed.) - 2011
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  25. Synergetics and biology.M. I. Shterenberg - 2004 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 43 (2):75-96.
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    The Solidity of the Self.Mary A. Melfi - 2019 - Renascence 71 (2):113-132.
    In A Passage to India, E.M. Forster examines the duality of three main characters, Mrs. Moore, Aziz, and Fielding and thereby demonstrates their relative stability in the primordial chaos of India. Unlike Adela who falls apart after her experience in the cave, these characters draw on the power of the imagination in a grappling struggle to remain morally centered when facing the darkness within. Forster suggests that turning to the East (where the Marabar caves represent darkness and destabilization) contrasts (...)
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  27. Ẓuhūr al-amān.ʻAbd al-Ḥaqq Taqṣīr - 1923 - [Afghanistan]: Maṭbaʻ-i Vizārat-i Jalīlyah-ʼi Maʻārif.
    Ẓuhūr al-amān (The advent of security) is a book on civics published during the reign of Ammanullah Khan (1919-29) as amir of Afghanistan. The book's title pays homage to the name of Ammanullah Khan himself. In its treatment of the duties of the members of Afghan society to the ruler and to each other, Ẓuhūr al-amān appears to highlight the challenges faced by Ammanullah Khan in his efforts to modernize Afghanistan. The book is divided into more than 30 short chapters (...)
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    Essays on Bioethics.R. M. Hare - 1993 - New York: Oxford University Press UK.
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    Mütercimi Meçhul Bir Kasîde-i Bürde Tercümesi.Yılmaz ÖKSÜZ - 2020 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 24 (1):211-245.
    Qaṣeeda-i Burdah written by Egyptian sufi poet Busīrī (d. 695/1296) as an eulogy for Beloved Messenger Moḥammed has received great attention in the Islamic world. This work has been recited both in cultural/social ceremonies such as weddings, holidays and funerals. On the other hand, it was also annotated, translated, and takhmīs, tesdīs, tesbī‘ and taşṭīr were written to it by the pen of scholars and litterateurs in literary circles. These activities, which have been carried out over and over again, has (...)
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  30. Stronger suboptimal than optimal affective priming.M. Rotteveel & R. H. Phaf - 2000 - Consciousness and Cognition 9 (2):S66 - S67.
  31. Dynamic, open inquiry in biology learning.M. Zion, M. Slezak, D. Shapira, E. Link, N. Bashan, M. Brumer, T. Orian, R. Nussinowitz, D. Court & B. Agrest - 2004 - Science Education 88 (5):728-753.
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  32. By Nature Equal: The Anatomy of a Western Insight. By John E. Coons and Patrick M. Brennan.I. M. Jarvad - 2001 - The European Legacy 6 (5):672-672.
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  33. Fatalism.M. Bernstein - 2001 - In Robert Kane (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Free Will. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  34. On the Legal and Moral Status of Abortion.M. A. Warren - 1997 - In Hugh LaFollette - (ed.), Ethics in Practice. Blackwell.
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    Behind the Wall paper.M. Loughlin - 1994 - Health Care Analysis: Hca: Journal of Health Philosophy and Policy 2 (1):47.
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    Mind and consciousness during sleep.M. Bosinelli - 1995 - Behavioural Brain Research 69:195-201.
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    Niet in mijn achtertuin: NIMBY en het algemeen belang.M. Wolsink - 2009 - Idee (Misc) 30 (3):36-39.
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  38. La Beata Vergine Maria al servizio dell'unico Mediatore della Salvezza.M. Wszolek - 1997 - Miscellanea Francescana 97 (3-4):490-521.
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  39. Bioethics in the United States of America: Who Decides?M. S. Yesley - forthcoming - Human Genome Research and Society. Proceedings of the Second International Bioethics Seminar in Fukui.
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  40. Children with cognitive, communicative, academic and behavioral disabilities.M. Ylvisaker - 2005 - In Walter M. High, Angelle M. Sander, Margaret A. Struchen & Karen A. Hart (eds.), Rehabilitation for Traumatic Brain Injury. Oxford University Press. pp. 205--234.
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  41. Fichte, Schelling et Hegel en face du «réalisme logique» de CG Bardili.M. Zahn - 1967 - Archives de Philosophie 30 (2):61.
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  42. Predmet filosofii v istorii filosofii: predystorii︠a︡.M. V. Zhelnov - 1981 - Moskva: Izd-vo Moskovskogo universiteta.
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  43. Nravstvennye print︠s︡ipy stroiteli︠a︡ kommunizma.M. G. Zhuravkov & O. P. T︠S︡elikova (eds.) - 1965 - Moskva,: Myslʹ.
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  44. Conflict, tolerance and hospitality.M. Zlomislic - 2004 - The Philosopher 92 (2).
  45. Marxism, the ecological crisis and a Masters attitude to nature.M. Znoj - 1989 - Filosoficky Casopis 37 (5):655-665.
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    Community hospital oversight of clinical investigators' financial relationships.M. A. Hall, K. P. Weinfurt, J. S. Lawlor, J. Y. Friedman, K. A. Schulman & J. Sugarman - 2008 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 31 (1):7-13.
    The considerable attention to financial interests in clinical research has focused mostly on academic medical centers, even though the majority of clinical research is conducted in community practice settings. To fill this gap, this article maps the practices and policies in 73 community hospitals and several hundred specialized facilities around the country for reviewing clinical investigators’ financial relationships with research sponsors. Community hospitals face a substantially different mix of issues than academic medical centers do because their physician researchers are usually (...)
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  47. Is there any problem with gender-specific medicine?M. Cristina Amoretti & Nicla Vassallo - 2013 - Verifiche: Rivista Trimestrale di Scienze Umane 42 (1-3):139-156.
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    An Ottoman Poet and Prose Stylist: Okchuzāde Mehmed Shāhī.Yılmaz ÖKSÜZ - 2018 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 22 (1):467-488.
    Grown up as versatile people, Ottoman intellectuals had holistic views towards science, art and literature, and wrote in a variety of disciplines. It was not uncommon for a mathematician to write in philosophy, for a ḥadīth (report of the words and deeds of the Prophet) scholar to write history books, for a statesman to be busy with calligraphy or for a Shaykh al-Islām (the highest ranking Islamic legal authority) to have a “Dīwān” (a collection of poems). However, possibly due to (...)
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    Inner speech as a cognitive process mediating self-consciousness and inhibiting self-deception.M. Siegrist - 1995 - Psychological Reports 76:259-65.
  50. Do bioscientists need professional ethics.M. Häyry - 2003 - In Matti Häyry & Tuija Takala (eds.), Scratching the surface of bioethics. New York: Rodopi. pp. 91--97.
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